Local Bristol Florist - Kimberley's the Florist

At Kimberley's the Florist, you'll discover exquisite floral arrangements created by a family-run business with a passion for perfection. As your trusted local Bristol florist, we specialise in designing stunning bouquets and floral displays for all occasions.

We proudly offer same-day delivery to Bristol and surrounding areas, including Clifton, Redland, Cotham, Bishopston, and Southville, covering postcodes such as BS1, BS6, BS8, BS7, and BS3.

Order online today or contact the Kimberley's team at 01275 289280 to discuss your floral needs.


Bristol Floral Displays for Every Occasion


From joyous celebrations to heartfelt memorials, our wide selection of flowers is perfect for enhancing any event or setting. Explore our online collection to find beautifully crafted arrangements, all designed by our skilled florists.

Whether you're seeking subtle, elegant blooms or vibrant, colorful designs, we offer both pre-designed and bespoke arrangements tailored to your taste. Plus, our same-day and pre-arranged delivery services make it easy to ensure your Bristol event is picture-perfect.

Browse our website, select your ideal floral display, and let your local Bristol florist take care of the rest.


Same Day





Why Choose Kimberley's The Florist in Bristol?

Here are just a few reasons why customers in Bristol turn to Kimberley’s for stunning floral displays:

1. Trusted Florist in Bristol
For over 20 years, we have been designing and delivering beautiful bouquets and displays across Bristol and surrounding areas. By sourcing flowers locally, we ensure freshness, quality, and availability every time you need them.

2. Diverse Range of Floral Creations
Every arrangement is handmade with attention to detail, giving each piece a unique, personal touch. From bespoke bouquets for celebrations to thoughtfully crafted memorial flowers, our floral creations cater to every occasion.

3. Prompt Delivery and Reliable Service
We deliver all our floral arrangements with care to preserve their beauty and freshness. Enjoy same-day delivery on selected bouquets, along with professional courier services to Bristol neighborhoods, including Clifton, Redland, Bishopston, and Southville, with postcodes such as BS1, BS6, BS8, BS7, and BS3.

4. Easy Ordering Online or In-Person
You can order your perfect floral display online, reach out to us directly, or visit our studio in Bristol. We love collaborating with our customers to bring their visions to life. We also offer free quotations to help you find a stunning arrangement within your budget.

Discover Stunning Bristol Floral Displays Today!

Surrounded by the vibrant beauty of Bristol, we are proud to create floral displays that reflect the charm of the city. Explore our collection online, or contact our team today to design the perfect arrangement for your special occasion.



Our Awards

Best Selling Local Supplier For Touts 2023

Recognised in the BFA Industry Awards

Wedding Supplier of The Year, Finalist For TWIA 2019

Flower Shop of The Year, Silver Award For Flower Council of Holland


Best Florists in North Somerset

We are delighted that we have been listed as one of the Top 3 Florists in North Somerset.  More information is via the link : https://threebestrated.co.uk/florists-in-north-somerset