Steam Train Funeral Flower Tribute

  • flower and foliage steam train funeral tribute
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Kimberley's the Florist Steam Train Funeral Flower Tribute, perfect for celebrating the life of a loved one who had a passion for trains, particularly the iconic steam locomotives. This tribute is designed to capture the nostalgia and charm of the steam train era, symbolising journeys, adventures, and a love for the railway.

The steam train tribute is meticulously crafted using a combination of white and black sprayed flowers, arranged to form the recognisable shape of a steam locomotive. The body of the train is created with white roses, providing a soft and elegant base, while black sprayed flowers are used to outline and highlight the details of the train, including the wheels and engine components. The contrast between the white and black flowers creates a striking and visually appealing design, evoking the classic look of a steam train. The arrangement is further enhanced with succulents and other natural elements, adding texture and a touch of greenery to the tribute.

This Steam Train Funeral Tribute is an ideal way to honour someone who had a deep connection to the railway, whether through a career, hobby, or simply a lifelong fascination with trains. It serves as a meaningful and personalised tribute, reflecting the individual's love for the history and romance of steam locomotives.

Price: £175.00

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